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Poetry of Darius Cooper

ANANYA S GUHA traverses multiplicity of worlds in the poems of Darius Cooper

Darius Cooper's poems have an infinitude about them and traverses multiplicity of worlds: the personal, historical, the mythic and the spiritual.One may wonder why I have used these epithets, that is because the poems are at once simple and complex, traditional and modern. They begin most of the time in a conversational mode, but at the end there is, if I may so, for want of a better expression, a question mark:

'' Now,
  standing on a pavement
  of cleverly buried pieces of glass,
  I rise,
  straddling alien concrete,
  to define my proper place
  under the gravity
  of some thirty odd years.''
The poems take the shape of narratives, there are stories within stories, cycle of doubts and the human angst of being, becoming:
'' I,
  I was born between 
  a sea and a mountain range...
  From the sea I absorbed many stories
  of white invaders who came 
  wet behind their ears
  to our silent shores...
  to establish progressively 
  the hegemony of what 
  they called civilization".
Undoubtedly the poems strike a prosaic note but the tenor of the poems is hauntingly self questioning. 
The preoccupation with history and myths, both occidental  and oriental are borne out superbly in  the poems in cross currents of western and eastern history:
'' The Tiber gnaws at memories
  and seven hills 
  papal and operatic,
  welcome us"'.
In the section entitled '' Bhakti Poems'' the poet invokes the teachings of Indian'  sants' and saints:
''The caste marked hysteria of religion
 is conspicuously missing in Tuka's Delhi
 No beggar demands alms in Tuka's name
 No priest insists on any Abhishek ritual''.
The last poem in this section '' Twenty Tentative Ways Of Approaching God'' are twenty syllogisms and prayers addressed to an impersonal Being pithily mentioned as '' Lord''. They are heartfelt expressions not of anguish but of surrender:
'' Now as I 
  tentatively approach you, lord,
  the no one and the some one
  inside me
  liberate themselves''.
The poems of Darius Cooper are multicultural, cosmic and pluralistic. They envision one world, one ' culture' though in varying contexts. Having been born and brought up in Bombay, the city he loves and impersonates, he now lives in the USA, this multicultural ethos is a highlight of his poetry. There is no sign of any conflict or culture clash, but a dutiful acceptance of destiny- karma in this sense. These are meditative, beautiful poems , meant also to be read aloud. They are hymns, not in darkness, but in light.They need re reading for a better feel and the absorption process.
Title: '' Beyond The Chameleon's Skill''
Publisher : Poetrywala, Mumbai
Pages: 98
Price:  Rs 150, US Dollars 6.

Ananya.S. Guha25 Posts

used to work with the Indira Gandhi National Open University, Shillong (Meghalaya) as an Academic Administrator. He has over 30 years of teaching and administrative experience. He has six collections of poetry and his forms have been published world wide. Some of his poems are due to appear soon in an Anthology of Indian Poetry in English to be published by Harper Collins.

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