
Play with words

The Thumb Print continues its series of the poetry column and introduces a second poet PUSPITA DAS BARBARA

Poetry Editor ANANYA S GUHA's note:

"The poems are nice and a delightful play with words. The poems are 'witty' as well and appeal to a reader because of the reasons cited and because of a nonchalant casualness".


Cubby holes neatly sorted, or in a cave assorted?

How does one measure moments? Why does one call it precious?
Is it because they were lived, or is it because we can re live them?
Why do memories bring feelings? Why do memories wax and wane?
Is it the mind playing tricks? Or is it just trying to stay sane?
Small cubby holes, each with a tiny moment in it, neatly arranged
and sorted. Or is it all clubbed together in a big cave, assorted?
Why does one measure moments? How does one decide its worth?
Perhaps by the warmth it spreads all over, perhaps it is measured by the heart


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A carnival of thoughts in my mind,

long, heavy, short… of all kinds !

The Ferris wheel slowly moves along,

riding on it a long lost song.

The merry go round spins faster and faster,

whirling on it a myriad cluster.

The roller coaster zooms past,

A thought almost topples and then holds fast.

The candy stalls are full of them,

each trying to get a sweet tandem.

A happy thought takes a shot

at the sombre thought balloons lot.

Naughty ones pop in the popcorn stall.

Soft romantic ones gather on the candy floss tall..

Excited ones scurry to the haunted house,

one reaching fastest like a scurrying mouse.

In a corner neglected stands the sorrowful one

wanting some attention in the din of fun.

Dear lonely ones, do join the ride;

try the stalls, do take a glide.

Its a carnival you see..

You just have to fend for thee.

After all its going on in the mind,

this carnival welcomes all the kind.

Long, heavy, short..come on all,

enjoy the fun, check out a stall:

find your way through the crowd,

if you want to be heard, shout out loud!

for its a carnival in here you see,

a free for all and all for free.


Puspita Das Barbara3 Posts

Puspita Das Barbara is a law graduate. who later trained in the service industry and worked for American Express pre-childbirth. Post motherhood, by choice she put her career on the backseat and has been a full time dedicated mother of two girls aged 7 and 3, as of today. When her elder daughter was of school going age she joined as a Kindergarten teacher in Maple Bear, a Canadian international school and worked there till the birth of her second child.

Her stint with writing started about two years ago when a few poems and articles that she had put forward in her blog were appreciated by her friends and family. At the insistence of one such friend she took part in a national level short story writing competition. She made it into the winning list and had her first published story in the book. She has also had a poem featured in another's blog on poetry and a short story featured in an e-magazine. She has since continued to create and write for herself and her close knit ones. Getting her work published is not really on her mind as of now. Currently, between homeworks, annual days, swimming classes, etc. she manages to do a little bit of freelance content writing.