Book Shelf

Liquid Ambience in Poetry

Mitali Chakravarty’s poems alternate between spirituality and the down to earth.

POETRY EDITOR Ananya S. Guha's note: Mitali Chakravarty’s poems alternate between spirituality and the down to earth. Her love poem is a testimony to the latter. There is an ethereally and a liquid ambience in her poems. Her poems are lyrical and eminently readable.


From Bodh Gaya to Saarnath 

What did Buddha seek as he 

meditated under the Bodhi tree? 

Did its leaves, roots entangle 

stillness into his bones? Was his 

wisdom from the skies or the seas? 


At a distance, the Falgu River  

buries itself in sand. Thirsty

souls seek freedom in water

bubbling out of puddles dug 

by seekers of redemption. 


Sitting under the Bodhi tree, 

the silence muted by voices 

from the present, few forlorns

search for moksha where eight 

lotuses bloomed enlightenment. 



Divergent views converged at 

the confluence of rivers — views

that differed from yore, from his 

parental lore. Disciples gathered 

to follow his new eight-fold path…


Now, relics scatter devotion 

to those who seek. Crowds 

bathe in holy waters that

consecrate the devout…do they 

still recall the Prince from Lumbini?


Do they remember His ways? 

Do lotuses still bloom where He 

stepped, where Falgu buried in 

sand stays invisible? The relic glows 

on a full moon night in May and ebbs. 





Smog throttles the air out of lungs 

till you can no longer breathe. 


Thick yellow carnality clings 

like phlegm to silhouettes 

grown immune to the stench 

of burnt, putrid blasts. 


They stare, talk in bunches, 

unaware of the rot that spawns. 


Munching monkeys swing 

from parapets and trees, 

now perhaps, sole heirs, 

guardians of the past 

— the past painted invisible 

by bleeding bigotry, the stench 

of chicanery mingled with 

unwashed sweat and hate. 


Anger — senseless, violent — wrecks. 


There seems to be no 

respite from acrid fumes, 

crimes, or fires that

ravage, annihilate. 


And yet, I see the sprig 

of spring bloom from the 

mottled, trod-on grass 

covering the ground. 


Will it also lose its shades in 

colours of rage brewing in 

the bubbling cauldron of 

unbreathable miasma? 


Or is there still some hope? 



Only Yours (A Love Poem) 


I will find my way. 

I will find my way 

despite being an

invisible unknown. 


Even if I don’t shout, 

whisper or talk, even 

if I remain silent, 

you will hear me —


You will hear me in 

the whispers of the 

breeze and the rustles 

of murmuring leaves. 


You will hear me in 

voices that carry

across space, from 

faraway distant stars. 


You will hear me in 

the serenity of 

moonshine, in the

play of sunshine. 


You will hear me for 

I live within your heart, 

in the stillness of your 

soul. I remain yours. 


And only yours. 

Bespoken for life

and beyond, I am

forever yours. 


Even if you still me, 

silence me or ignore

my calls, I’ll continue

loyally forever yours. 





New dreams emerge 

— like sunrises after 

a long night. From the

darknesses of shattered

constructs, we emerge 

stronger, more resilient. 


When we feel, there is 

nothing more — only 

a deepening abyss of

chaotic nightmares, 

when like Icarus flying 

too close to the sun, 

we are singed, burnt, 

learning from phoenixes 

we rise from our ashes

enervated with the love 

of our beloveds, to again 

savour the magic of life. 


(Mitali Chakravarty likes to waft among words and clouds. She has a book of poems, The Flight of the Angsana Oriole, and another upcoming, Cities, Nomads and Rocks. Her poetry has been widely published online and anthologised.)

Ananya.S. Guha25 Posts

used to work with the Indira Gandhi National Open University, Shillong (Meghalaya) as an Academic Administrator. He has over 30 years of teaching and administrative experience. He has six collections of poetry and his forms have been published world wide. Some of his poems are due to appear soon in an Anthology of Indian Poetry in English to be published by Harper Collins.

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Liquid Ambience in Poetry

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