
Playing to Win

As a young media entrepreneur, how was your experience meeting similar minds from different parts of the world at G20YEA Summit?

This media boom is good for the people who are working in this field. However at the same time, it also brings with it a greater responsibility of emanating true information. Media is said to be the fourth pillar of democracy, hence it cannot afford to forget that it also exists“ of the people, by the people and for the people”. Media is only the medium through which people can have their voice heard or read.

Do you think our educational programs and other ecosystem factors support young entrepreneurs?

I feel that with regard to education we are still far behind when it comes to actually preparing our youth to be budding young entrepreneurs. Students should be made to be able to think of entrepreneurship as career choice. This is only possible when they have access to knowledge and skills vital for new technological and business realities. Entrepreneurial culture should be encouraged, with focus on the values of ethics and business moral. There should be educational programs which provide training in basic entrepreneurship and risk management skills.

In today’s world connectivity is one of the main portal for knowing what is happening in other parts of the country or even the world and the easiest way of remaining connected today is through internet, mobile, etc. But, it is sad to see that inspite of having them with us we cannot make optimum use because of their poor service. In order to give wind beneath the wings of young entrepreneurs this issue needs to be solved immediately. Further, Government should also take measures to encourage start-up entrepreneurs, like providing  funds, tax relief, guidance, etc

What message did you carry from Northeast India and what lessons did you carry back?

The message that I carried was that , there is a region in India which is beyond Kolkata and the people of this region is as enthusiastic as anyone else to be connected with the rest of the world and develop a proper entrepreneurial culture in this region.

The lesson that I carried back was if we wish to be in the global map of entrepreneurship, we need to keep pace with all that is taking place in other parts of the globe in the field of entrpreneurial knowledge, technological skills or innovations, inorder to contribute towards a strong,sustainable and balanced growth.

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It was indeed a very enriching experience. When I met young entrepreneurs from all across the world, one thing that enthused me was that all of us shared a very similar vision of contributing towards the economic and social growth of our respective countries and in that path, how we can come together and make a difference globally. That reflected that although we occupied different parts of earth, we all shared a very similar dream.

How do you see the potential of young entrepreneurs in Northeast India?

In Northeast India, our youth has a lot potential. There is no dearth of entrepreneurial ideas amongst our youth.  I feel, what they lack is proper direction and knowledge of what steps needs to be taken in order to concretise their ideas and make it a successful business model.

What do you think are the inhibitors to entrepreneurial growth with reference to Northeast India?

According to me , one of the biggest inhibitor to entrepreneurial growth in Northeast India is our lack of proper infrastructure. Our connectivity is still far behind, power sector is a chronic problem, internet access remains a pain. Infrastructure is one of the main pillars  for entrepreneurial growth.

How would you assess the media boom in India as well as Northeast India?

Today media, whether print, television,radio or internet, are playing a very vital role in India. The brighter side of media boom is, through them, the people are becoming more and more aware and are able to know and question about the happenings-social, economic, cultural etc., around them.The flip side is because of this, the credibility of media has never been more tested then it is being done now. Media accountability has become a very important factor.

How do you think can we harness this media boom to our advantage?

This media boom is good for the people who are working in this field. However at the same time, it also brings with it a greater responsibility of emanating true information. Media is said to be the fourth pillar of democracy, hence it cannot afford to forget that it also exists“ of the people, by the people and for the people”. Media is only the medium through which people can have their voice heard or read.

Do you think our educational programs and other ecosystem factors support young entrepreneurs?

I feel that with regard to education we are still far behind when it comes to actually preparing our youth to be budding young entrepreneurs. Students should be made to be able to think of entrepreneurship as career choice. This is only possible when they have access to knowledge and skills vital for new technological and business realities. Entrepreneurial culture should be encouraged, with focus on the values of ethics and business moral. There should be educational programs which provide training in basic entrepreneurship and risk management skills.

In today’s world connectivity is one of the main portal for knowing what is happening in other parts of the country or even the world and the easiest way of remaining connected today is through internet, mobile, etc. But, it is sad to see that inspite of having them with us we cannot make optimum use because of their poor service. In order to give wind beneath the wings of young entrepreneurs this issue needs to be solved immediately. Further, Government should also take measures to encourage start-up entrepreneurs, like providing  funds, tax relief, guidance, etc

What message did you carry from Northeast India and what lessons did you carry back?

The message that I carried was that , there is a region in India which is beyond Kolkata and the people of this region is as enthusiastic as anyone else to be connected with the rest of the world and develop a proper entrepreneurial culture in this region.

The lesson that I carried back was if we wish to be in the global map of entrepreneurship, we need to keep pace with all that is taking place in other parts of the globe in the field of entrpreneurial knowledge, technological skills or innovations, inorder to contribute towards a strong,sustainable and balanced growth.

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is the Managing Director of DY365 - a unit of Brahmaputra Teleproductions Pvt. Ltd. - Northeast India's premier news channel. In a career spanning almost a decade, Jaiswal had gained experience ranging from teaching to administration.

At DY365, Jaiswal is spearheading the company, meeting the challenges of running a satellite television channel in the region. She is widely travelled, a passionate reader and a painter with an admirable insight in both news & entertainment sector. Recently, she had attended the fourth annual G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance Summit  in Moscow, Russia. She shares some take home lessons from the summit in an exclusive interview to 
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