
Rape free India

As the country gears up to choose another Prime Minister, we ask people from a cross-section of society on their aspirations from Elections 2014 Sikkimese designer OMI GURUNG spells out his aspirations from Elections 2014

First things first, do exercise your right to vote. Peeps, don’t let anyone becloud the truth and don’t fall prey to cosmetic measures. Think Twice!

In the upcoming election 2014 whichever party will form the government, here are few things I would want the government to act wisely.

RAPE has become so rampant in our country that every20 minutes, a woman is raped / molested. Let us make no bones about the very fact that we still do not have concrete answers to the grave issue of rapes in India. Today, rape and violence against women are massive problems even in North East India which need to be addressed.

Decriminalize homosexuality, things have changed since 1860. In India, there are at least 100 million people in the country who would fall under the LGBT category. It is high time that politicians be more liberal and logical. After Supreme Court of India criminalized homosexuality many gay menwere blackmailed or humiliated. FYI, Guwahati witnessed the spectacle dazzling, the first gay pride walk of North East India on February 9, 2014.

I hope the party in power will also work efficiently towards the social upliftment and development of North Eastern States. North East India is in a dire need of many quality educational institutions and multi speciality hospitals.

Lastly, stop the blame game, let bygones be bygones and start on a fresh note.

Omi Gurung8 Posts

is a well known green Indian fashion designer, writer and green activist. He describes himself as a dare devil with quicksilver tongue and maverick mind; who wears his heart on his sleeve. He is the founder of a social group Oh My India and owner of Sikkim's first eco boutique Green Gangtok. At a young age of 23, he worked as a fashion editor for a magazine run by Shakti Media Group in Bangalore. He enjoys writing on fashion and lifestyle and social issues. At present he also writes a regular column for Sikkim Insight.