
Random thoughts

RHINUSMITA KAKOTY LAHKAR pens a few thoughts on her life

Random thoughts...
I am not doing anything
Maybe I really don’t want to
Content in my own little cocoon
Reading, philosophizing, baking, sometimes pottering with plants, playing poker
I am wasting away my life…
Or am I?
Do I really have to do something?
Or is it enough to just live?
Loving, dreaming, fighting, cooking…

Rhinusmita Kakoty Lahkar2 Posts

started off as a reporter cum copyeditor for the magazine North East Sun. She has  been an editor with Tata McGraw-Hill and have also been associated as a freelance with publishing houses like Rupa, OUP, Wisdom Tree, Viva. She has been deputy coordinator with Centre for Science and Environment. She is passionate about sports, books and movies.