Book Shelf

Life Lingua

Bureaucrat SAUMITRA MOHAN pens lessons learnt from his life in his new book

Today’s fast-paced life, while becoming cozier by the day, is also becoming increasingly complex. And this complexity gets compounded with the kind of people we meet everyday, each with a different hue of character and mental composition. The baffling medley of people we meet everyday makes our life more confusing and perplexing. Still we keep meeting several people every day as being a social animal, we just cannot help our social interactions and relationships.

How do we comport, how do we behave, how to we react, and how do we converse with them—all these determine many things including what we are and what we want to become. Our interaction with each of them should be measured and customized accordingly. One wrong move somewhere and many things in one’s life may go awry. That is why, every time we meet someone, we are always thinking, modifying our reactions and behaviour as per the specifications and requirements of the relationship we are entering into. Our own character, socio-cultural background, education, our prejudices, our priorities, our sub-conscious predilections and similar other factors shape our own behaviour and those of the people we are interacting with. The people we interact with include our friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and complete strangers.

The human being grows up to conduct oneself in a particular way, depending on his/her educational, cultural and social background. But notwithstanding the same background, people still behave differently which may have something to do with our genetic make-up, which makes each of us unique. That’s why, you have persons of different dispositions and deportments in the same family. Whatever be the natural selection of God or the deliberate grooming of a person to mould his/her entire personality in a particular way, things still turn out to be diametrically opposite because of the different experiences one undergoes.

However, one does believe that with a dedication and determination, one can definitely do and achieve that one has desired. A man has to just desire and set one’s eyes and attention to that particular goal and then go after the same in a methodical manner and soon the goal shall be within the reach. Same goes for any and every aspect of our life. There is nothing in life that can’t be fixed or achieve. We just need to have in ourselves all the requisites that are required. If we have a positive approach, a steely determination and a capacity for sustained hard work, we shall definitely achieve our deserved place in the sun.

While it is true that we don’t know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we don’t know what we have been missing until it arrives. So, be on the alert to make sure that you don’t miss out on anything that this beautiful human avatar of ours has to offer. My book discusses various aspects of our life and suggest the various ways to deal with the same.

In fact, after I authored my first book on ‘Self Help’, I have always been wanting to improve on the same given the slew of experiences I have had since then, but I could hardly find time to do it due to many pressing personal and official engagements and preoccupations. The book Life Lingua: Learning the Grammar of Life is a book on ‘self-development and interpersonal relationships’. It is a distillation of my own personal experience and convictions, interspersed with the suitable popular quotations and anecdotes, culled from different sources, to support and corroborate whatever I have said in the book. While reading this book, you may find some contradictions unless you read the same in their true perspectives. I would not flinch from saying that the imperfections of this book are actually a reflection of my own imperfections. So, I would request the reader to enjoy the observations keeping the same in mind.

The book makes relates to any and every aspect of the human life, forcing the reader to think. One has made attempts to make the book interesting yet thought provoking so as to force an introspection and self-assessment of the ‘Self’. While the book tries to make to goad us to be a good human being, it also tries to advise readers to guard his/her own interests in these ‘tough competitive’ times. Often we keep on going through our life like a rudderless ship, not knowing where to go. Life is ‘short, nasty and brutish’, as Thomas Hobbes would have said, but yet it is quite beautiful. We only need to learn to appreciate its beauties and blessings and ignore the negatives that come our way. After all, our life is too short to waste it by worrying over the negativities of life. We only need some reorientations and positive transformations in our ontological perspectives and approaches. Once we are willing to do that, life shall shower all its bounties and benedictions on us.

I have always believed in specific role for each individual. As the Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore said, ‘Every child comes with a message that the God is still not much disappointed with the human beings’.  The almighty sends us to this world with a specific role. We only need to discover that role and perform the same with utmost dedication and devotion, if we wish to prove worthy of the trust reposed in us by the God. The book is also an attempt at the discovery of the self by a conscious and sustained apotheosis of one’s ‘Ego’ and thereby of the ‘Superego’, a name given to society by Sigmund Freud.

Though I definitely don’t believe and assume that whatever I have said should be acceptable to everyone as, based on my own personal beliefs and experience, they are completely my own. But I do feel that many of the things observed and said here are the things that have helped me through my own life and, therefore, with a conviction that they can be helpful to others as well, I authored this book. So, if at all, this book turns out to be of some use to even some people in this world, I would feel my efforts have not gone in vain.

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is District Magistrate, Darjeeling and Secretary, Gorkhaland Territorial Administration at Government of West Bengal.