Culture & Society

Think Smart

Inspiring the youth of Nepal is the guiding spirit behind SMART CLUB writes youth activist Abdus Miya

SMART CLUB is a pioneer youth run, youth led leadership skills development academy, platform for improving public speaking ability in English language for open minded, passionate individual who wish to better understand the world and be catalysts of positive social change. This is the platform for developing leadership excellence and knowledge base of young people in the field of Civic, Political, Economical spheres, primarily through professionally-supported leadership skill and one-to-one relationship. In order to enhance confidence level regular speech competition, debate session, discussion in contemporary issues, presentation, dialogue making, table topic discussion and many more is practiced in the club every Saturday. As the name speaks, smart club is all about being smart and smarter day by day.

Smart Club was initially started by proactive youths for the youth, who believe in principle of “Freedom with Responsibility” to enhance the skills that a Smart person is being inherent in. Apart from it, the club is to enhance public Speaking, debating, and presentation skills, facilitating or moderating etc, along with other various talents that a leader needs to posses.

Everything starts from the small thing; hence it is one of the landmarks of Youth Initiative  in threading the future leaders' spirit. The aim of this club is to articulate youth with various genuine skills.

SMART club strongly believes that people, who engage in open and critical discourse in their young age about the happening in this world, will become responsible leaders and the most effective problem solvers in their respective field when their days come. Thus, we are committed to prepare each young individual to ask better questions in his/her own way to help advance a family, a society and respectively a world.

SMART club started out as a much felt-need of a platform for young people to learn grow and improve leadership skills hand-in-hand constantly since their early age. So, our goal is to prepare each young individual to be a responsible leader in this constantly evolving world and change maker in his/her respective field, being backed with strong base of knowledge and skills, regularly exposing them from simple communication to stimulating debate and thought provoking analyses from their young age in the form of debate, public speaking, workshop, presentation…etc.

Members in smart club meet every Saturday in Public Information Center hall of World Bank in Hotel Yak&Yeti, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu for attending the smart sessions. Smart club starts at 8:00 am sharp and ends at 10:30 am sharp. Participants in the first session practice public speaking taking part in speech contest where three speakers deliver speeches in different topics, their respective commentators comment and give feedbacks, and grammarian checks the grammatical errors, Ah! Counter presents the unusual Ah! Repetition of words & unusual pauses. Time keeper then presents the actual time taken by all the role takers and the formal session ends with the Overall Critical Analysis of total session by Overall Critical Analyst (OCA). In the second session, participant sometimes practice debate in various international formats of debating such as British Parliamentary Format, World Schooling Debating Championship (WSDC) format and University one-on-one Debating format. Sometimes participants interact with the guest speakers, watch documentaries, discuss in the table topics and many more. Smart Club also celebrates every 25th session of the club going outside the hall organizing various hiking programs and so on.

These all programs are arranged by the executive committee which consists of 5 members elected by general members of the club by election every 6 month. The most interesting thing about smart club is that participants need not pay any charge for coming to smart club. The expenses required for the club is supported by Youth Initiative (Mother organization of the club). By now, smart club already has the history of 7 years and has produced profound public speakers and debaters.

Vision: Smart club envisions a platform of learning, growing, improving and exercising leadership excellence hand-in-hand.

MissionSmart club is committed to develop a knowledge base of young leaders on Civic, Political, Economical…spheres, primarily through professionally-supported leadership skills and one-to-one relationship.

Strategy: Enrich... Equip... Engage...

Enriches - Young people on contemporary issues, through Public Speaking, Debate, Workshop, presentation…etc

Equips - Young people to learn, grow, improve and exercise their leadership skills through training, capacity buildings, opportunities…etc.

Engages - Young people through firming Clubs, Civic engagements and much more.

Public speaking is very important component of life. Creating a concept of smart club and giving continuity till 7 years reflects the creativity, dedication, passion and enthusiasm of Nepali youths. The world can learn a good lesson looking after this innovative work of Nepali youngsters. Think smart! Act smart! And be smart!

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Abdus Miya1 Posts

is a youth activist working in the field of education in Nepal. He is the co-founder/executive director of Students' Club of Nepal (SCON), Acting Convener at Smart Club and is involved in many other social and youthful organizations in Nepal. He is passionate about public speaking and debating.