
Aid for rape survivors

Journalist NEHA DIXIT set up a trust to rehabilitate rape survivors and appeals for help from all concerned citizens
Dear all,

With some help from a few women's rights activists, we have managed to institutionalise a Trust that will help in rehabilitating the victims/survivors of gender violence and their families.

This Trust is called Himmat Mahila Samooh (rough translation in English: Women and Courage. Its based out of Rohtak, Haryana, 150 km from the Indian national capital, Delhi. Here is a link to the website (though, it is incomplete, yet functional) http://himmatngo.org/

We have formed a small three member committee that includes:
1. Akhila Singh, women's rights Activist, All India Democratic Women's Association.
2. Nakul Sawhney, Independent Documentary filmmaker.
Recent film: Immoral daughters in the Land of honour. It explores gender violence, the role of religious sub-groups called caste and honour killings in North India. Here is the link to the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oP4aw_lAlc
3. Me, Neha Dixit. I am an independent journalist and cover development, gender and conflict in South Asia. I am based out of New Delhi. http://neha-dixit.blogspot.in/

We plan to use the donations you will make, in a step by step manner.

As far as Gudia's rehabilitation is concerned, the most urgent priority is to get her admitted to a school and ensure a proper residence for her family. We have identified a school for her and her three year old brother. We will send you the details as soon as the money starts coming in. We will keep you updated and also seek your suggestion to plan this. Read more; http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/03/after-rape-and-neglect-a-survivors-family-fades-into-oblivion-in-delhi/?_r=2

Apart from Gudia, we have also identified another eight year old girl who lives in a slum in the industrial area of South Delhi. She was raped by a 25 year old neighbour in March. Bright and  intelligent, she has got adequate family support. Her father repairs pressure cookers for a living. Though, she was brilliant in academics, she has stopped going to school. The government school she was enrolled in, is close to her rapists' house. For the last six months, she has been sitting at home. Funds are required to help her get admission in another school, which is a private school, that costs Rs 3000 as admission charges and Rs 750 per month (USD12) as tuition fees. We intend to help her with this. Her case is an epitome in the sense that her parents have been very supportive and a girl like her must be encouraged to set an example for other rape survivors who seek rehabilitation.

The third case we have identified for now is for the medical treatment of Vedpal's father. In 2009, Vedpal, 22 was lynched by police and goons of religious sub-groups in North India for marrying a girl of his choice. His wife, Sonia, was forcefully married off to someone else. 'Honour' killings of this sort are rampant in North India. They are intrinsic in fueling gender violence and misogyny. Self choice marriages by young women are often seen a violation of patriarchal norms here.  Since Vedpal was the only earning member, his family is witnessing days of acute penury. Since his is a Below Poverty Line family, his father has no means to pay for his own medical treatment. He has been diagnosed with cancer.

Here are the account details:

Feel free to donate. 
Do write to me for clarifications and more. Nakul can be contacted at nakulss@gmail.com and Akhila can be contacted at akhilasingh@gmail.com.