
An Elegy

Meenakshi Goswami pays tribute to academic Dr Parag Moni Sarma of Tezpur University. Dr Sarma died in a tragic road accident last year

Something has ceased to come along with us

Why are you silent today?

I wish I had never come across a day

When you had to leave us and go away

Everything seems so empty without your name

Under this strange Sun

Never will life be the same again

As grief conquers

Unimaginable thoughts pierce my mind

Thoughts unexpected, thoughts undesired

Is it all over?

Parag, aren’t you coming back to us any more?

Is this all a part of life?

You grew up under the watchful eyes

and care of mortals and angels

Blossomed into maturity

Competed with the crowding masses

To achieve a dream

Reached the epitome of success

Grew wise with the fragrance of experience

Managed new responsibilities

But alas! You fell into the pit of harsh side of well- being

Speeding flashbacks of events

Innumerable memories contained in a composed soul

You are now merged into the Brown Earth

As ashes after the flame

Lonely.....where the light and twilight abandon themselves.

With dewy eyes and quivering lips

Folded hands and trembling feet

We all can pray that May you rest in eternal peace.......\

Meenakshi Goswami1 Posts

is a PGT English teacher for the last 24 years at CNS HS School in Sonitpur district of Assam. She writes poetry, short stories, articles, features for The Assam TribuneThe SentinelThe TelegraphSeven Sister's Post and other magazines. A member of the North East Writers Forum, she had been RJ in All India Radio, Guwahati for four years. She is into sports organisations and anchoring at various functions. She has been awarded on International Women's Day 2007 by Indian Medical Association for her dedicated service towards human resources.