
Every Season

Every season brings you to me writes Muhabit Ul Haq

I fell in love like raindrops fall,

I sat in my room, against a wall,

A four-sided box, dark inside,

Walls are rough where I reside,

Gloom is my room, my mood is dull,

Before every storm there is a lull,

My storms come with every season,

For every season, storms have got a reason,


In spring when it is imbued with yellow,

I look around, I miss my fellow,

Who in spring was near to me,

It was you, who else it could be?

The one with whom I spent last spring,

The one who now remembers nothing.


Then comes the summer, booming green,

That your raiment; which too was green,

When we first met on that rainy day,

When I spoke a lot and you had nothing to say,

When waved at me, smiled and giggled,

When I brought back a storm whirled.


After that comes the Autumn, red and crimson,

Chinar leaves hugged by dew and shone by sun,

We got in touch for the first time in this weather,

We said we will always be there for each other,

Now here I am in despair, where are you?

I am spending lonely nights without you,


Finally it is winter, white and doleful,

No more I feel happy or soulful,

The time we walked those paths together,

Each others company we would always prefer,

Now there you are suffering, here am I,

After you left, with you departure dead was I


Where did you fade, where have you flown?

Here I am where the seed of love was sown,

Which grew every season till we both nourished it,

Now I am alone, nourishing and looking after it,

On every season I come to see it,

Under its bower I often sit,

I see it drying up with every passing season,

As I am dying, it too has a reason,

My tree of love cannot survive without you,

It was proven earlier, no more I need to prove,

You my love, light of my life, yes you,

Every season recollects anamnesis of you!

Muhabit Ul Haq1 Posts

is a photojournalist from Kashmir, now based in New Delhi. He likes to capture moments and likes to pen down some of those moments in poetry and prose. His photographs can be viewed on and He can be mailed at