
The Parting

BILL RICHMOND pays tribute to his dear friend Wasant Elwin, 60, Vice-Principal of All Saint’s Diocesan H. S. School and son of late Dr Verrier Elwin, internationally renowned anthropologist, who passed away on April 26, 2013

Dawn...nobody can predict the future
Echoes...we still talk about him
flower, birds...children
leaf....elders like his mother
traveller, wine...friends
The Parting

Dawn never tells the Day
Nor night the Morning.
Echoes of friendship silently caress the hillsides
Whispering to:
A blooming flower
A soaring bird
A falling leaf
A burdened traveller
A raised glass of wine
It is only

Though baptised he chose to be cremated and his ashes buried in a cemetery
he was a trail blazer of sorts in this aspect. Hence..

The Flames return to Nature what is hers
Cradled in the bosom of Mother Earth
You rest and live on
To atheists, believers, pagan and all
You have, an enlightened path shown
My Friend.

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(Wasant Elwin was born in the 18 of Oct.1950 to Dr. Verrier Elwin, a renowned author and anthropologist who was personally known to Mahatma Gandhi and Lila Elwin a social worker. Wasant started his schooling in St.Edmunds School and did his High School Leaving Certificate from St. Anthonys High School and later went St. Edmunds College from where he graduated. A quiet, self taught guitarist who strummed, more to amuse himself than anything else. An authority on Bob Dylan. His music collection included the Beatles, Jackson Brown, Pink Floyd and others. This is what he had to say about music “as far as music is concerned, moral imperatives are futile but there is good music and mediocre efforts”. Respecting his passion for Dylan and other musicians, the children and friends played his favourites at his funeral and during his cremation. He was an avid reader of the Classics and books on History. He worked as a teacher in the All Saints School and was later made the Vice-Principal of the School).

William Richmond Marbaniang1 Posts

known more popularly as Bill, is a retired police officer. He served as Director General of Police, Meghalaya and Director General Civil Defence Home Guards during his illustrious tenure. He enjoys fishing, going on treks and travelling and has a passion for interior design.