
On Death

CHANDRIKA KONWAR narrates her first experience with the death of a loved one, her grandmother

Dark and mystified, you hide behind the shadows
Pouncing on people like a blood thirsty tiger,
You are the blatant ultimate truth that hits me hard each time you take a soul
Incomplete lives, incomplete goodbyes are all that you leave
Instilling fears in the strongest of the hearts
Your smile shudders me to my inner core.

Yet today, I stand pondering why, o why
was there not a pall of gloom but serenity and peace
not a fearful scorn but a glint of smile
unsaid goodbyes but this feeling of a blessing on my head

My aita* died in her sleep.
Without warnings, without farewells
our family was orphaned with the void of her absence
but still I can feel her more than I did when she was a lively old lady
and understand her giving and misgivings

Did death separate me from her?
or did it help me know her better?

Maybe till I breathe I am bound to dread the inevitable,
keep choosing to keep it miles away from my tiny world
But now, death doesn’t seem to be as dark and dreary,
It is that time when I break the physical metaphors and learn to trust my unknown abode somewhere.......

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About the poem

The poem is an expression of my first experience with the death of a loved one, my aita (grandmother). It touches upon the mind’s dilemma between letting go a person after death and accepting their metaphysical presence in life through a series of questions in search for answers of the unknown.

Chandrika Konwar2 Posts

is a first year student in the Department of Biochemistry, Daulat Ram College, Delhi University who hails from Assam. She likes to write poems and articles to express herself. She is a part of the literary society of her college. She is an avid reader of books and newspaper columns. Though a science student she has a natural inclination towards literature and journalism. She feels literature is a strong way of bringing about change in the Indian landscape and fight the evils of the society.