
Breaking News and Broken Lives

GAURANGI MAITRA expresses her grief over the recent natural calamity in Uttarakhand

What is a loss till it is your own?
A number: 1000 dead.
What is a loss when it is your own?
My family.
What is devastation till it is your own?
A place: that Uttarakhand.
What is devastation when it is your own?
My home.
What is compensation till it  is your own?
Relief fund: Eleven crores.
What is compensation when it is your own?
Rs: 2700 only.
What is a prayer till it is your own?
What God hath wrought!
What is a prayer when it is your own?
My father who art in heaven....
What is consolation till it is your own?
Life moves on!
What is consolation when it is your own?
There is no road to move on.

Gaurangi Maitra5 Posts

is a teacher and scientist by profession and a writer by inclination. She holds a PhD in Molecular Endocrinology, member of the National Academy Of Science India and a recipient of the National Science Teachers award in 2008. At  present, she works as  scientist with the Department of Biotechnology Nodal Centre for Medical Colleges and Biomedical Research Institutes of North Eastern Region, located in Tezpur University, Assam, India. Besides other publications, she co-authored her first book, Travelling with Darwin, Evolution of an Evolutionary in 2009. She is now working on her second book on history of Science. It is her passion to convey the wonder and history of science through the ancient yet never outdated form of communication called story telling.  She therefore would like to be a trobairitz or a story teller in history of science without diluting the wine.