
Polar vortex

BEDASREE DAS delves into the left, right and asunder of Indian politics

India needs a polar vortex.  With the freeze that has engulfed by and large the entire country most of you would happily declare me retarded if not a fool. But, I stand by my words. This country definitely and desperately needs a polar vortex.

No, I am surely not talking about a frozen Yamuna or for that matter the multitude of tributaries entwined within the country but a vortex which would freeze the political spectrum alongwith the phalanxes of babble-bodied, self-trained analysts cum decision makers. Cause, honestly, haven’t we had enough of these doomsayers swaying us left, right and asunder? Governance as practiced in an institutionalised modern democracy as ours has only strayed the governed toward patches of marginalised ideologies.

 For one, hobnobbing among the political gamblers and the army of speculators has only resulted in emergence of TRP enhancing rhetoric. Of course, we have chiding sessions in the name of debates which leaves one with much to wonder. Where are we heading as a nation?

The problem we face today lies not in untimely rhetoric or the cacophony of disputable claims but in restrictive option. Should a nation whose wheels are driven by a billion people succumb to whims of countable polarising figures? Is it right perhaps to have a single person dominate the idea generated by numerous faceless soldiers constituting our grand parties?

While a Modi hard sells the idea of an ideal Gujarat to the rest of the country; a reluctant Gandhi barters the comforts of familydom for self styled aam aadmism, only to be overtaken by an overzealous activist cum CM who is more befuddled by the concept of aam aadmi than the so called ordinary man himself .

Of course, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was (still is?) suppose to provide a refreshing change to the two-man controlled hysteria. But the party, which rose with much funfare has already started to show signs of confusion as it scrambles to stand on its feet. With Arvind Kejriwal caught in a fresh web of sensation everyday on the chair what remains to be seen is whether AAP can stay loyal to its grassroot approachability or succumbs to idiosyncratic polity.

However, the question is whether we can look beyond what has been hand fed to us. And if we could would we? Narendra Modi oratory is beguiling but it does not provide strength to his vague plans for a growing India. It also cannot be overlooked that his primary focus on growth per se leaves a vacuum in terms of all round development.

Similarly, Rahul Gandhi’s constant reminder of the RTI and his party’s apparent role in bringing out a strong Lokpal Bill reflects a cover-up of his goverment’s failure to keep India economically sound.

With people like Nandan Nilekani, and Sameer Nair taking nimble steps into politics it gives the public a chance to expand their horizon of choice. It is possible that if the public starts to question its options we might not be stuck in a leadership wrangle. We still have the power to choose so let us not fail ourselves. If all fails we can still opt for ‘None of the above’.

Bedasree Das1 Posts

is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Mass Communication. Currently, she is based in New Delhi. She had previously worked as a sub-editor with Business Standard.