Author Details

  • Stella Paul

    is an Environment and Development Journalist, Poet, Media trainer, Organic Farmer, Folk song collector and a Gypsy sans a caravan. Born in Bombay, rooted in the North Eastern hills of India, survivor of an infanticide attempt, witness to filth unlimited and yet an incurable optimist. The views expressed are her own.

Toilet Tales...

It's well known by now: a majority of Indians do not have a toilet. They urinate and defecate in the
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Outrage against Article 377...

STELLA PAUL rues that the Supreme Court upheld that gay sex is illegal in India
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Lets end VAW...

STELLA PAUL on eliminating violence against women
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Encounters with Gandhiji...

STELLA PAUL recalls her tryst with Mahatma Gandhi
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Encounters with Gandhiji...

STELLA PAUL recalls her tryst with Mahatma Gandhi
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