Author Details

  • Janice Pariat

    is the author of Boats on Land: A Collection of Short Stories (Random House India, 2012). She was awarded the Yuva Puraskar (Young Writer Award) from the Sahitya Akademi (Indian National Academy of Letters) and the Crossword Book Award for fiction. She studied English Literature at St Stephen’s College, Delhi, and History of Art at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Her work – including art reviews, cultural features, book reviews, fiction and poetry – has featured in a wide number of national magazines & newspapers. She writes a monthly literary column “Paperwallah” for The Hindu BL Ink. In 2014, she was the Charles Wallace Creative Writing Fellow at the University of Kent, Canterbury. Currently, she lives between the UK and India. Her first novel Seahorse is forthcoming with Random House India in November 2014. She blogs at

Roman Holiday...

In Rome, as in life, despite the ruin, there is joy writes JANICE PARIAT
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Ode to the Ambassador...

Hindustan Motors decision to suspend production of the Ambassador makes JANICE PARIAT nostalgic
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The elephant-hunters and mad d...

Janice Pariat's first book Boats on Land comprises cross-currents of history and people and place. T
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