Author Details

  • Anika Gupta

    As Product Manager for Citizen Journalist Digital at CNN-IBN, Anika Gupta heads a team that is looking to develop new products and paradigms for citizen storytelling.  She writes about international business, politics, science, technology, literature and travel. In October 2012, she founded Hacks/Hackers New Delhi, a grassroots networking and collaboration group that brings together journalists, statisticians, analysts, developers, entrepreneurs and activists to share knowledge around topics related to technology in storytelling.  An economics and journalism graduate from Northwestern University, she was born in Chicago and grew up outside Washington DC.  She’s lived in New Delhi, India, since 2009.   In 2012, she received the Donald T. Sheehan Scholarship to attend the Wharton Seminar for Business Journalists at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She serves on the executive team of Whypoll, a nonprofit that uses technology and new media to bridge the gap between citizens and their elected representatives.  She often advises international companies and investors on the Indian digital media landscape. Reprinted from

Audio clips as multimedia...

You can turn audio clips into a multimedia journalism project writes ANIKA GUPTA
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Digital inclusion in Northeast...

ANIKA GUPTA writes how user-generated audio content can work in areas marginalised by mainstream med
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Digital technology and women...

Can digital technology empower women asks ANIKA GUPTA
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