Author Details

  • Radhika M B

    is a journalist, blogger and crafter living in New Jersey, US. Over her 12-year span in the field of news writing, she has worked in print and internet - The New Indian Express, Tehelka, Techyolk and The Times of India. Her work in print has ranged from environmental reporting and human rights, to politics and lifestyle. An aspiring writer and avid blogger, she blogs at, and She is currently Consultant Editor with The Thumb Print. The Bangalorean has lived in Mumbai and Chennai besides in Delaware, US, before moving to New Jersey.

Surviving a year in wide web w...

The Thumb Print, a portal on Northeastern states, has survived solely on readers' goodwill and the a
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Saga of a dream...

US-based Consulting Editor RADHIKA M B celebrates a year and a green month of The Thumb Print
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The American Dream...

Radhika M B recounts the pink slip horror nights and job-hunting in the USA
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Spring Sonata...

Spring, a season when flowers and folks arrive writes Radhika M B
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Big love in Amreeka...

Radhika M B writes how size matters in sale savvy States
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No car, Sorry, no life...

Car is the other name of freedom in the US writes M. Radhika
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Things a hurricane makes you d...

As I write, I sit in the comfort of my home. Watching it snow outside my window. Sheer luxury! White
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