Author Details

  • Bhaskar Phukan

    is Project Director, DRDA, Sonitpur,  Assam. The views expressed in the article are his own and in no way represent the Government of Assam’s views. Feedback:

Season of pineapples...

A short story by Bhaskar Phukan
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Khar Khowa ASSAMESE...

BHASKAR PHUKAN savours the tantalizing indigenous cuisine of Assam
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Field Visit...

BHASKAR PHUKAN writes about a bureaucrat's trips to take stock of ground realities
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Field Visit...

BHASKAR PHUKAN writes about a bureaucrat's trips to take stock of ground realities
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Price of freedom...

BHASKAR PHUKAN recalls Republic day celebrations in Assam over the years
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Headquarters Leave...

BHASKAR PHUKAN on granting leave to officers on duty
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When the clock stopped...

BHASKAR PHUKAN recalls October 30, the anniversary of the serial bomb blasts at Guwahati in this sho
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Dehing Patkai Festival...

The Dehing Patkai Festival is a symbol of the spirit of accommodation among tribes writes Bhaskar Ph
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Movie Mania...

BHASKAR PHUKAN uncovers several stories on the magical world of cinema lying hidden in the most unli
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Celebrating life lahe lahe...

Bureaucrat BHASKAR PHUKAN delves into the slow, unhurried and laidback nature of the Assamese commun
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